In Your Mind

A butterfly flits through a garden
The rain nourishes the grass
I contemplate simple beauty
While looking back at an ugly past

I was born with a loving heart
An open mind and listening ear
A playful and dedicated soul
That everyone wanted to be near

You came close when I was young
Saw what you needed in my eyes
A blank slate to hide your secrets in 
A girl too naive to question our ties

I was so eager to please you
Simply wishing to make you proud
Your face told of your love for me
Soon the admission came out loud

You shared with me things that lovers do
Without the physical act of sex
Though you detailed your past acts plenty
You left me feeling I meant less

There were times I wished you’d take me
To the bed you told me of so often
I became as pliable as I could be
Hoping to my wishes you might soften

Years later I lusted after older women
The idea of their power keeping me confined 
I suppose I wanted them to fuck me
The way you only ever did in your mind

Katie Woods