Diana's Healing Message For December

Good morning Courageous Survivors and almost Merry Christmas!  My name is Diana and I will be the writer of what I have coined my Healing Blog.  The purpose of my blog is to pass along tips, stories and love as you journey through your Healing process.

A little bit about myself.  I am almost 65 (in April!) and am a survivor of father and uncle incest as well as physical abuse by the hands of my mom.  My earliest recollection is when I was 7 or 8 and I finally put an end to incest during puberty.  That did not stop the physical abuse however.  Like many survivors I blocked it out and survived as best I could.

When I turned 18 I couldn’t wait to move away to college and after dating found what I believed was my one true love only to find that 4 years into our marriage and with a 9 month old son he was cheating on me.  Imagine my horror when I moved back home to the very place of my childhood saga.

Fast forward a few more years and I met my current husband (we have now been married 38 years!) After a few years of marriage we had a daughter and when she turned 5 I knew I had to protect her from my father.  My marriage suffered, my mental health suffered, but I found the help that I needed and I faced my demons.  I lost a lot along the way but I gained the peace of mind that my mother finally knew and she believed me.  Shortly after my father was confronted he passed away and my peace was restored.

I am here to tell you that your peace can be restored as well and I want to help you in your journey.  As we enter this Christmas season remember you are the most important person in your life and do what makes you happy.  I find spending time alone enjoying my Christmas lights and Christmas music is a great mood booster. 

Merry Christmas to all and may 2023 bring you peace, happiness and the love that you deserve


Diana DComment