Diana's Healing Message for February

Welcome to the second month of the year, the month most people call the Love month.  If you read my message for January you will remember that my 2023 word for the year is LOVE.  I hope you too have found a word to help you in your healing journey.

February is a short month, thankfully, and I think we all can agree that getting through January is grueling at the very least.  Depending on where you live the winter weather can be brutal and short days and little light is hard on everyone.

As you go into February take each day at a time.  Remember you are a unique creature and to love others you first must love yourself.  Every day jot down something about yourself that you love. This is not an exercise to make you better, but to appreciate the wonderful creature that you are.  By the end of the month you will have 28 wonderful affirmations to remind you that you are loved!

February for many of us is another month towards our healing.  If I can help you in any way please feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to assist in any way I can.


1.    I accept myself exactly as I am now.

2.    I accept myself unconditionally.

3.    I accept love from myself.

4.    I am at peace with where I am.

5.    I embrace who I am.

6.   I am perfect, just as I am.

7.    I am creating my own love.

8.    I am enough.

9.    I am whole.

10.  I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.

Sending healing love…

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Diana DComment