God's Daughter

By Andrea B.K.

The most empowering transition for those who have been hurt, abused, or neglected is realizing we are not victims anymore, but rather we are survivors. There is no timetable on this, but realize we were never at fault for what we went through.

Never, not at all. I struggled with this when I was around 12 or 13 and my abuser's wife (my aunt) found him rubbing my legs inappropriately, He laughed but I tried to justify his wrong doing. It broke her heart that day. I saw it with my own two eyes. 

Only when I was in my 30's did I understand. I rose above his abuse and began realizing I didn't cause this. I survived his crap as well as countless others' abuse. I am still standing. Maybe some days I don't stand so tall but that's when I rely on my husband and my support circle to get me back on my feet.

Not only have I survived those situations, I don't let them define me. Being a survivor is just part of who I am.

 Most importantly, I am GOD's Daughter. HE made me in HIS image therefore I am "wonderfully and carefully made."

Marinate on that awhile. We are all GOD's children. We all have had upsets in our lives. JESUS, GOD's only beloved son, had the greatest upset- HE had to live perfectly and die a cruel, terrible death so all of our sins could be wiped out. 

Maybe we're not able to forgive our abusers but GOD has, and that's who they will answer to.It's okay to be upset or even infuriated about what you endured. Those are human emotions GOD gave us. It's what you do with those emotions.

Okay, take a deep breath. Realize you too are "wonderfully and carefully made." Fill in your own blanks here. I am GOD's child, I am a son/daughter, I am a husband/wife/significant other, I am mother/father to my children/fur babies, I am a valuable asset, I am not a victim, I am a survivor, I am GOD's child.

A SurvivorComment