Diana's Healing Message For July

This 4th of July I claim as my Independence Day. 

I celebrate my freedom from fear. My father sexually abused me as a young girl but I never told anyone. It was the fear that the same might befall my five year old daughter that I finally faced those fears. I feared retaliation by my father, I feared my mother would call me a liar and I feared my husband would lose his love and respect for me. None of these things happened when I finally told my mother what my father had done to me and why I had turned my back on my entire family for 18 months.

Today I celebrate the courage it took me to face my father and to tell my mother and husband. I was broken for so long but finding the courage to face my fears that my father could someway again hurt me, that my mother would not believe me and that my husband would leave me made me stronger and I believe a better mother. 

Today I celebrate that I am a survivor! I will never forget all that happened to me during my childhood but in surviving I can now help others.

This Independence Day I hope you to can find freedom and courage so that you too can claim victory over survivorship. We here at Courageous Survivors can help you reach this independence. Please reach out and have a Happy 4th of July!!

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