Diana's Healing Message For June

For me Father's Day is a mixed bag.  I have a wonderful husband who has been a good father to my son since he was 18 months old and has been the best father to our daughter.  However, my own father sexually abused me when i was a young girl and for that I can never forgive him for stealing my innocence.  My father has been gone since 1994 (he died of cancer) and at that time after some 30 years of silence I had finally faced him only to have him die a mere 10 months later.  I feel robbed both by not having a father that loved me for me and not for what I could pleasure him with and I was robbed by not being able to make better peace with  what he had done to me.  But maybe this was the way things were to work out.  I am a firm believer in a higher power and as my husband of almost 40 years says, I am the strongest person he has ever met.

This Father's Day I will not dwell on the father I did not have but rather on the fathers in my life that are the true example of what a good father should be.  My son is the father of two beautiful and loving girls and my son in law is a father to two handsome sons and a brand new baby girl.  They, along with my husband, are a true example of a good father.

My hope for you is that if you struggle with this Father's Day rather than dwell on what you did not receive, you are proud of the person you have become and that you love yourself as only you can do.

Happy Father's Day Courageous Survivors!!!



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