Diana's Healing Message for July

Happy Independence Day!

July 4th we will celebrate our country’s independence!  Take a moment and celebrate your own independence!  We are all struggling in one fashion or another and Courageous Survivors is here to help in any way they can.

For myself, I am returning to the scene of the crime.  After many, many years away from home, I will be traveling to my childhood home to visit later this month.  The barn where the atrocities happened still stands but my father has long passed.  Will I suffer flashbacks or will I console that little girl and tell her she will be okay, she will grow into a wonderful woman who through her own independence and strength has married not once but twice (the second we will celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary in October!) have given birth to two wonderful children who have given me 4 wonderful, wonderful grandchildren.

I have held many a job, including being a Town Judge and before I turned 60 I earned not only my Bachelors Degree but also my Master Degree.

You can do anything you set your mind to and do not let that person or those events that happened to you stop you from gaining your independence day!

Happy Independence Day to you!


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