Diana’s Healing Message For December

Dear Courageous Survivors

Let me be one of the first to wish you a very Merry Christmas!  For many of us this time of year brings up all kinds of emotions.  Hurt feelings, feelings of sadness, anger, confusion and even hopelessness.  Please know that we at Courageous Survivors are here to walk through these emotions with you.  You only need to reach out.

For me Christmas is all of the above.  I came from a very broken home.  My mother was physically abusive and my father was sexually abusive but on Christmas we were one big happy family and to that I clung.  We always had gifts and the façade that we were one big happy family stayed with me for years.

My trauma followed me through my teenage years and my first marriage and it wasn't until my second marriage and the birth of our child that I sought the help that I desperately needed to live a safe and enjoyable life.  

My Christmases now are without my parents but I have learned to love myself first and in turn I can love those that love me.  My grandchildren are the apple of my eye and I can love them unconditionally with no fear or repercussions.

May this holiday season be a blessing to you and please, if you struggle in any way, reach out to us here at Courageous Survivors...

Go in Peace....


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